Quiz: Are You an Electricity Expert?

By |2022-01-25T16:03:31+00:00December 2, 2010|Energy Quizzes|

We’ve all done it; you walk into a dark room knowing full well you’re in the middle of a power cut – and you flicked the light-switch all the same! It’s automatic; electricity is just there. We’re all so used to having it around, that just like water, we don’t [...]

Questionnaire: Identify the Scope for Community Energy Projects

By |2022-01-25T16:03:44+00:00August 16, 2010|Energy Quizzes|

Once your community has decided that it wants to start some kind of group energy saving initiative for itself, the next big question is deciding where the scope lies to do it. What sort of projects should you think about running – and where? Should you concentrate on individual households, [...]

What Sort of an Energy Community Are You?

By |2022-01-25T16:03:52+00:00April 23, 2010|Energy Quizzes|

Have you ever wondered why your community is trying to save energy? We’re all agreed that it makes sense and it’s a good thing to be doing – but do you ever stop to ponder what’s really motivating you all? Is it concern for the planet, the desire to safeguard [...]

Is Your Community Travel Energy Aware?

By |2022-01-25T16:03:54+00:00April 21, 2010|Energy Quizzes|

Being aware of the real environmental and economic cost of travel is a potentially important way to save energy . That doesn’t, of course, mean that you shouldn’t ever go anywhere or do anything, but it does mean that with a little bit of thought, changing our transport habits can [...]

Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Renewable Energy?

By |2022-01-25T16:04:27+00:00October 2, 2009|Energy Quizzes|

Everyone’s talking about renewable energy and we all know that if we’re really serious about sustainable living and low carbon lifestyles, then it’s the way to go. Wind, wave, solar or biomass – whichever one you choose you’re doing your bit, right? But that’s the thing – which one do [...]

Quiz: How Much of an Energy Expert Are You?

By |2022-01-25T16:04:29+00:00October 1, 2009|Energy Quizzes|

We’re all aware that we need to be saving energy, lowering our bills and cutting our carbon footprints – after all we’re constantly being bombarded by information and adverts to remind us to do our bit. The only problem is that for many of us, with such a range of [...]

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