Most of us are by now, well aware that as consumers, we are all responsible for doing our bit to reduce carbon emissions and to help save the planet. And, although sustainable build projects are largely still in their infancy, the government, with the help of other organisations who have an interest in this area, is keen to offer grants and other assistance, where possible, to help both individuals and businesses alike to address some of these issues.
The Sustainable Development Fund
Our National Parks in the UK represent all that is good about the promotion of sustainable living and since 2002, they have been able to apply for financial aid from the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) to help promote sustainable development. The grant scheme is aimed at encouraging individuals and local communities to develop different ways of living and working whilst, simultaneously, conserving and improving the local wildlife and landscape and preserving local culture and traditions. Projects can get up to 75% of their total cost from a sustainable development grant and this can run from just a small amount up to many thousands of pounds. Encouraging people of all ages and backgrounds to get involved, the National Parks have so far supported projects relating to wood burning heating systems, the harvesting of rainwater, cycle centres and eco-buildings, along with training many young people to become ‘green ambassadors’.
The Energy Savings Trust
Following the 1992 Earth Summit, in Rio de Janeiro, when the real threat of global warming first became prominent from a global perspective, the UK Government set up the Energy Savings Trust a year later to address the damaging effect of climate change and to help cut CO2 emissions by promoting the sustainable and efficient use of energy. Working in conjunction with the electricity, gas and water companies, they can help individual householders with the costs of improving energy efficiency in the home by offering grants and subsidies for things like cavity wall insulation, loft insulation and draught proofing, heating appliances and energy efficient boilers etc.
The Environmental Action Fund
Also run by DEFRA, the Environmental Action Fund (EAF) offers financial aid to both voluntary and community sector groups to support the Government’s sustainable development projects within England. Grants can range from £25,000 over a year to up to £750,000 over 3 years and have been used on projects concerned with biodiversity and others relating to raising awareness and devising strategies to remove barriers to sustainable development in areas such as climate change, resource productivity and waste.
In addition to national projects such as those mentioned above, many other forms of financial help are available via our local authorities and other organisations, both private and public who have a keen interest in the area of sustainable development and who seek to promote the importance of the health and well being of the environment and its inhabitants, both people and wildlife, and protecting the economy and to help encourage us all to live in a sustainable way that doesn’t harm the planet now or for future generations to come.
I Belong to a group of four family’s, that are thinking of selling their homes and starting an eco commune. We are as yet unsure as exactly how to do this, although we have a few main ideas. 1, Buy a derelict farmhouse, build/extent to suit our needs and incorporate the existing agricultural business into our sustainability and as a possible revenue generator. 2, Buy a area of woodland/pasture, and build an eco village from scratch. Building log cabins and such, managing the woodland sustainably with a view to possible campsite and eco school. Any advice you could give me on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Graeme.
Hi there, I was wondering if you provide grants and funding for people wanting to do the permaculture diploma? As it is alternative there is no funding available. I wondered if it is something that you may consider?
Just wondering are there any incentives/grants for insulation and solar PV, I am building a new self build timber frame family home in Neath South Wales. Any help would be appreciated
Demolished 1950’s bungalow cleared site ready for new build planning granted for timber frameScandinavian Scandia – Hus house. triple glazed, Alu Trim Bargeboard lightweight high performance low maintence steel with zinc coating rainwater made to last system, Ground Heat Source pump /under floor heating to ground floor and first floor
I want to replace the old tin roof on a barn I have with an eco turf roof or such like (know any grants available fore this ?) I am hoping to live in the barn when restorated the barn is on 2 levels and is in my garden in a residential area thanks pt
looking for solar grants, currently we life off the grid we are running strictly with diesel energy and hydro is to expensive to bring in 8 poles is what we need and at $10,000 a pole it is out of reach an unrealistic.
As a new build property developer I am wondering whether there are any incentives, either Government or private sector, for incorporating ‘Greener measures’ when building new homes. I am considering Solar installation, precipitation harvesting and electrical power points within garages for hybrid and electric vehicles. Is there any legislation set out regarding UK property development and potential incentives and or grants available to developers? Any information and or ideas would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance, John
In regards to new build property developers I am wondering whether there are any incentives, either Government or private sector, for incorporating Green measures when building new homes. Is there any legislation set out regarding UK property development incentives and is there any grants available to developers? Any information would be appreciated. Best Regards
Hi As per first person. Are there any incentives for a new build incorporating Green measures etc. Any Grants for a new build in conservation area in Cheshire. Regards
Hi, wondering if you could advise us on a project we are looking into, we own some land which has the National Forest tender scheme on and we think it would be a perfect site to start an Eco friendly, back to basics campsite ie composting toilets, solar powered showers etc any advice would be greatly recieved, cheers
Hello there, I would like to have my old boiler replaced with combi one, also need replacing windows to new double glazed ones. I would like to find out if i am eligible for any grants from the new Funds Govt have announced. I live in 3 bedroom semi detached private house with my wife and two children under 10 years. I will be grateful for any information. Sincerely Alex Thottuvayil Mob: 07853895496
@Alex. You could try the government Green Deal initiative.
wondering what grants are available for people who have ideas for creating low carbon and super insulated homes
@na. If it’s an idea for developing a new product for example, then you would have to get it patented and then contact an organisation like the energy saving trust.
I would like to buy woodland in the UK or a piece of land that we can live on and promote Eco builds and Eco living. Ideally I would like to make rustic furniture from the woodland. Also I would like to be able to host school visits so that we can teach children how to be sustainable and look after their natural environment. Please let me know how we can do this or any other ideas. Thanks in advance.
@jay. Lots of questions there, we have lots of information on this site but can’t help with specifics like this. Your best route is via your local chamber of commerce, council’s business development departments etc
I am self-funding an old barn/store conversion in Cornwall.I will not be living in it myself but will be using it for rental income.Are there any grants available to help with energy efficiency if this is the case?
@SOOSAL. You could try the Renewable Heat Incentive or the Green Deal Home Improvement Fund. There are not many government grants for actual ‘green’ developments (certainly on a small private scale) due to cut backs.
Iam proposing a retail park area on my land using reclaimed shipping containers at first 4 units, To let out as pop up shops would anybody know if there is any grants available to small businesses for such a project. Thanks Paul
I am looking for direction about setting up a sustainable project that would act as accommodation for weary travellers in an area of outstanding natural beauty. I am looking for information about organisations that I could approach for advice and support?
@Paul. Your local council or regional development agency might be the best place to enquire about this.
@Guy. Try writing to the AONB Board at NAAONB, 11 High Street, Fairford, Gloucestershire GL4 4AD for advice.
Rural businesses can also apply for Growth Programme Business Development grants
Try the Turn2Us Grant Search
Or contact the Natural England Outdoors for All project:
Hi, We are a small training charity, specialising in rural skills for unemployed and NEETs and are requiring to build a new workshop, however, would like to make it as environmentally friendly as possible, particularly as we are based on the edge of a SSSI. We would also like to include students being involved to help them learn new skills at the same time. The difficulty is where to start – how to find suitable organisations that can help advise us in the right direction, what build to go for and work with us to help us create this new building. We would welcome any advice!
I would like a grant / help to build a little home for my partner and my family. I live and work in surrey and cannot get on the property ladder due to various reasons and major barriers my partner has served in the army for 22 years. I have heard conflicting stories about self builds helping the renters onto the property ladder?
@jax. We are not aware of any schemes that offer this, but your local authority may be aware of them so that would be a good place to start.
Hi the village school has been turned down twice now for capital funding for a further classroom which is badly needed. I wondered if there might be green funding possibilities open to them, for the right type of build?
Hi,I was wondering if there is any green funding available to individuals or families wishing to move somewhere rural (very rural) and live a green life,living from the land,living wild so to speak. If so what could the individual get funding/help with? Could help be given to build a green wooden/log style cabin or home, for log burning stove?. I myself would like help with this and all I would like ideally is help for cost of materials for the build,log burner and possibly solar power for lighting and maybe a freezer. Any advice would be great. Thank you Michael collins
Hi there, I have just completed on purchasing some land with planning permission for a two bed cottage in CClackmananshire. I àm 64 years old disabled and I would like to find out about any Grants available to help with the build and have the Cottage Eco friendly. I hope you can help me.
While there is help for existing home owners to make their homes more efficient and environmentally friendly, there are not many grants for those wishing to build new properties especially if you are an individual and it is not something that will benefit the community.
Hi, I am negotiating with a few Finnish manufacturers of importing timber framed prefabricated houses to UK. I was wondering if there are any grants so we could get a few built as show homes in order for people to understanding the value of timber framed and sustainable houses vs original UK build houses?
Hi We run eco-wellbeing holidays for people with learning difficulties and are looking to build eco pods rather than using bell tents, do you have any advice on the best / cheapest to use and do you know of any grants that would suit our needs. We are based in south east cornwall. We also need to provide shower and toilet facilities but I dont want to install mains ones, do you have any advice on this too? Many thanks Geoff
Hi I live in a council property in stoke on Trent we have a timber structures at the front and back of the house seeing if their is any grants available has asked our local council and got no help what so ever thanks
Hi we live in stoke on Trent in a timber construction propertyat the front and back ran by the council we are trying to see if their is any grants available to help us insulate it better has iir local council dnt seem to be bother with it thanks
I am considering building a passive or carbourn neutral property for my retirement. I am only at the very early planning stage and want to know what help is available in the way of building grants for energy saving product
We don’t know of any grants currently available for new build properties unfortunately.
Hi. I’m going to be converting a small building in the Peak District National Park to a dwelling. I would like to keep it totally off-grid with solar/wind power, water harvesting, septic tank etc and would like to find out if there are any grants available to help with this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated
We’re not aware of many grants for this at the moment. If you shop around, there are lenders who offer attractive rates for eco builds etc. The Energy Saving Trust may a good source of information.
We are looking to purchase a property with 5 acres of land in Scotland and open a back to basics campsite and make it eco friendly! Are there any grants available thanks
I work for a shipping company. We recently acquired a vessel which was seized some time back. It is ideal for a training vessel for cadets in the Pacific who always find difficulties finding a vessel to do their sea phase for their certificates. It would be ideal to have masts also installed to be used for sailing. She needs alot of work and planning. In the meantime we are putting together a proposal for funding for her re-fit
I am thinking about opening a Finnish style school for 5 to 7 year olds based in a field with an emphasis on learning through outdoor play. I’d like to build a sustainable outdoor classroom to complement the outdoor environmental ethos of the school. Do you know where I would be able to apply for grants for building and planning costs?
Hi, I have put my life savings into buying a small holding to have horses and sheep. Unfortunately where I would like to put up a farm building there is a telegraph pole with a transformer… I have been quoted £12000 to move it!, oh and I have to dig all the trenches!! I will be renovating the old (very very old!!) farm house at some point and wondered if it would be more worthwhile putting that money into coming off the grid- solved two problems, gets rid of the pole (energy companies property so I believe they have to remove it?) and would make my farm greener and sustainable for the future. Does anyone have any thoughts? Also are there any pay up schemes/ grants available, this was not in my budget! Many thanks.
Hi, I am an operations team leader for a well known bank. I want to help develop a way to reverse the increase of greenhouse gasses. I want to start a project with engineer, and scientists to find a way to mimic nature’s process of healing and turn it into a sustainable project. This would be a big project and if successful, we would be able to help nature heal and not need to generate too many artificial energy.
My son has moved to bulgaria and wants to build a house and live sustainably. for example ways of collecting and reusing rain water and ways of generating electricity and living off the land to economically building the house and involving and including the local villagers to bring the community together. Is there any sort of funding that anyone knows of that could help him get started. We would be so grateful for any advice. Many tanks. Jen
I serve as a Trustee for a residential outdoor education charity in Scotland which provides learning opportunities for a large number of primary and secondary schools every year. As some of the buildings are no longer fit for purpose, the charity is looking to build new sustainable, eco-friendly accommodation. Can you tell me if there are any grants for this kind of thing? Thank you.
Outdoor Learning Lloyds Bank Henry Duncan Award Gannochy Trust Henry Smith Charity
Hi, We have a fantastic bit of land which is situated by a beautiful and almost private Loch, we are within the “Dark Skies” facinity of Dumfries and Galloway with easy access within a 10-30 mile radius of 4 of the 7 staines bike trails and countless forest walks, I would love some information on starting an eco/camping/pod facility whilst being able to advertise and making good use of all the wonderful attractions we have close by.
a few months ago, my partner and I lost EVERYTHING – our home, our employment. In order to stay in our local area (Clwydian range) we asked around and a friend has put us up in his annexe, which is essentially a converted garage. Our dream is to be able to buy a patch of land and build an eco home (Magic Green Homes) and grow organic veg and raise some animals. Having NOTHING, I can’t see how we can ever achieve this. We are very connected to nature and we are slightly reclusive so the thought of renting a flat or house in a town is horrible to us now.
Hello – I’m looking for any advice on funding for a community eco village project I have a vision that I’d like to bring to life. Thanking you in advance.
Bitofahippy, I’m sorry to hear about your situation. I just wanted to say that there is hope out there. Have a look at WWOOFING, which is where you volunteer on farms, estates and other eco projects in exchange for free accommodation. It may buy you some time whilst you figure out what to do long term. There are many eco communities who would probably be happy to help you out. Good luck, I hope you find your feet again soon.
I’m looking to get some information on grants available to build a campsite.
To Jane, Try advising said electricity company they have 31 days to remove all and any telegraph poles off your land and they will quickly reposition the pole themselves at no cost
We have recently moved into a new school building and have no break out spaces for our most vulnerable children (we have a considerable number of children with a diagnosis of Autism). We are looking at developing yurts as break out spaces and extra teaching spaces as the school is small. Can you help?
I have devised a way to save the water being lost when a hot tap is turned on allowing the cold to run down the drain. The savings are significant not only to the environment but to households and businesses especially those on water meters.I am looking for funding to bring it to the market and hoping you can steer me in the right direction. Any guidance would be gratefully appreciated.
You might want to consider local business angels, venture capitalists or crowdfunding to get this to the next stage.
Hello we live in a council flat and would like to give it up for an eco friendly home. We’ve recently started to think that it’s necessary to grow our own food also. So we would like to have some advice on grants that are available for a family who wants to vacate their council house for others and requires help to have an ecofriendly home as well as farmland. Thank you.
HI! First of all I would just like to say this is for my college work assignment so all the questions are hypothetical and will not actually be going forward with this. Howveer, i would really appreciate if you could answer some quick questions ! It would mean loads you will be the first person to respond to me….. So, a quick informer on my welsh bacc project so you know what im doing – we have to do an individual investigation project where we chose a question and ‘investigate’ . the question i chose was ‘How can we improve housing in Wales to be more eco-friendly and what are cost efficient ways of doing this?’ although i may take the cost efficient bit out.. im basically looking at ways of improving homes on a large scale so they can save energy and produce less carbon emissions at the same time. ive looked at a few different methods of saving energy and i came to a conclusion that by adding roof insulation(preferably sheeps) it could save around 30% of the homes heat. By saving more heat it could mean people dont their heating on as high which 1. reduces energy use and 2. saves the home owner money . inserting insulation in the roof will cost less than inserting it in the walls or floors as you wont have to remove anything or as much to get to where it needs to be and therefor is a much easier and achievable goal. the main problem comes down to money. 1. what are the type of options for this type of large scale grant loan? is it too unrealistic 2. if you could not fund this do you know a business who could? 3. do you know any government incentives? thank you for reading and hopefully answering too! have a nice day Kitty
We have storage heaters that are 20 years old and most are broken we are desperate to replace them for our Medieval Hall Bear Steps SY1 1UH but lack the funding which would be in the region of appropriately 10,000 pounds, for more sustainable heaters. At present we are using fan heaters as a supplement. Can you please give any advice on grants etc We are a registered charity and renovated the building in the 1970’s Please help.
Hi. We have bought an old pub and we are doing some renovation work turning it into coffee bar. One of the things that we would like to do is to put more efficient and ecofriendly some sort of heating system. Are there any grants that would support us in that project. Thank you.
My partner and I are working on a home/office conversion of our Narrowboat involving solar panels,electric engine, hydrogen cells, wind power, hydro power, dual fuel wood stove & electric heating & hot water, water harvesting, water recycling & filtering, and more combining it with SMART home monioring to make a high tech eco boat that not only won’t leave a mess in the canal, but rather helps to clean it as well by towing a litter collector. I’ve been designing the project on a minimal budget and once complete would like to use it as a prototype to help encourage more to do their boat conversions to help promote to the boating community that going back to a horse isn’t the only way to get off diesel (yes, many actually think this). Any chance you know of anyone who might be able to provide some funding to help us complete the project?
Hello there, We’re setting up an eco friendly campsite in Cornwall called “The Copper Pot Campsite”, our intention is to provide comfortable camping in bell tents and shepherd huts at a rate affordable to all, we want to encourage wildlife including bats/owls/slow worms/ lizards so that people can experience the animals we have in the countryside. We want to have livestock on site and also grow our own vegetables so that people can see where food comes from. We also wish to teach basic bushcraft to children’s groups such as scouts and girl guides. We were hoping to open this year but our builder has run off with £10,000 and left us in a huge mess. We’re really struggling, can you tell me if you know of any grants that could help us get either mains electricity hook up or a solar and wind power electricity supply set up? Also if there are any grants that could help us build the compost toilets, the showers and the wooden platforms which the builder was supposed to build? Many many thanks and all the best, James.
Hello there, We’re setting up an eco friendly campsite in Cornwall called “The Copper Pot Campsite”, our intention is to provide comfortable camping in bell tents and shepherd huts at a rate affordable to all, we want to encourage wildlife including bats/owls/slow worms/ lizards so that people can experience the animals we have in the countryside. We want to have livestock on site and also grow our own vegetables so that people can see where food comes from. We also wish to teach basic bushcraft to children’s groups such as scouts and girl guides. We were hoping to open this year but our builder has run off with £10,000 and left us in a huge mess. We’re really struggling, can you tell me if you know of any grants that could help us get either mains electricity hook up or a solar and wind power electricity supply set up? Also if there are any grants that could help us build the compost toilets, the showers and the wooden platforms which the builder was supposed to build? Many many thanks and all the best, James.
Hi Can anyone help we are a family that would like to try out some backyard farming. We are looking to build a passive greenhouse, we have already the design etc and will be trying out the art of aquaponics. We live in the heart of Edinburgh and want to be able to grow crops all year round as well as having fish trout. Our project is called Groweden we have a little website and are trying with crowdfunding but ideally would like to see if there are other possibilities for funding
Hello my name is Linda Roberts and I am enquiring how I apply for support. I am trying to purchase and restore a building in an area of redevelopment which has a lot of local history. The building is four stories high and will be lovingly restored to fit in with all the other properties in the village. The building was a former HSBC Bank and has been empty for some years. It sticks out in the street for all the wrong reasons. It would need to restore it and furnish it approximately £600,000. It will be used as office and online shop, vintage tea Room and apartments. The land to the rear would be turned into a working Victorian walled kitchen garden. The garden would feature orangery, ducks and chickens, bees, raised beds for salad, veg soft fruit and fruit trees wildlife garden. We would employ a gardener to do the garden and upkeep but, also teach volunteers Tia certifed level these people would be disabled, recovery mental health, recovering substance abuse and petty criminals. We would offer the same service in the kitchen and tea room. Tea room would have a shop which would have arts and crafts from local makers and artisan food. I’d be selling my cakes. The cafe could also be used for crafter’s and artists to give talks, demonstrations and lessons. Also one afternoon a week we would have an afternoon tea reduced priced for local pensioners. There is a costume shop in the village and I’d work with the owner to do children’s parties. This is very much a community based business. To help local people and their families. This is a project I am passionate about and would love to see it come to fruition. The project will be a green project I’m an organic gardener and business. I am passionate about keeping our carbon footprint as low as possible. Would love your help and support. If this process goes ahead would the property and land still be owned by me please.
Hi I’m new too this ! However I’m looking too live in a eco house , and my enquiry is how do I get started, what grants can I obtain , do I need too purchase the land and then obtain planning! If anyone can please help, as I want too make a change in my life ! For myself and the environment ! Thank you
Hi, I am looking into finding Grants, for an Eco project where all Organic food and housing ( Yurts ) will be placed, using only Green Energy. As well as wanting to encourage wildlife to come close on be able to life off of parts of the land as well as Humans, a Glamping site for people to be able to come for holidays and learn how to enjoy a different way of life, than they are used to living at the moment. Any help or Advice would be most welcome. Many Thanks BamBam774
It might be better to focus on the various rural development grants available. Take a look at the grants online website
Hi I’m interested in funding for schools and PTAs as regards new Eco classrooms. is there any funding and how do i find out about it?
Hi everyone, My team and I are currently at college gaining our relevant qualifications to start our business ‘Watts Your Home Emissions & Innovations?’ Our aim is to start a eco-friendly property developing brand specialising in renewable energy installations and eco efficient materials on private and council properties. We will cover solar panels, solar windows, triple glazing, external insulation cladding, mini wind turbines, MVHR air filtration & recycle systems, geothermal boring, earthship garden biotecture, recycled plastic decking, decorative Green walls, Passivhaus cladding, LED lighting and the search goes in for the next idea to save the next generation. We have a number of future staff and managers all training and gaining all nessesary qualification, we will be oporational by July 2019. If this is a successful endeavour our second aim is to create a raffle/lottery for a £10,000/£15,000 eco-home makeover. The home owner would get an inclusive planning day with our interior designer and eco-home advisor. We would hope to run this twice a month for £1.50 a ticket with a total of 50,000 tickets. This would be intitially only a West Midlands based raffle. We would hope to have it on betting shops, social media, local papers, radio and television ads. Watts Your Emissions & Innovations? would provide all the labour and materials required by the prize winner. Thank you for your time and thanks for reading. Jake watts Managing Director
Hi All, We are in the process of building a new home from ground up. Currently, our biggest challenge is finance. It almost feels as if the system is rigged in a way to ensure the self builders do not have an easy ride. We are installing Solar tiles, MVHR and rainwater harvesting systems in a 2,200 Sq Ft house. I would if any tips may be provided, both for financing and equipment sourcing/installation. Regards, VM
Hi, we want to get our family out of the private rental housing scam as we’ve had to move so many times, it’s so unsettling. We want to build an eco house, run sustainable living workshops and woodcraft workshops and lay down roots for our family. Please can anyone help advise the best place to look for affordable land that doesn’t cost hundreds of thousands of pounds? Thank you!
Hello, I have made a Documentary Film Titled Green Bappa which speaks about putting an end to use of pop idols for ganesh festival immersions and including a new idea of not celebrating ganesh festival where idols need to be immersed. Its a Mumbai, India based festival. I have been screening the film in schools and colleges across Mumbai. Can i get grants for the same as few schools demand free screening.
We eco-rich international (pvt ) Ltd. Is established in Sri Lanka recently ,our AIM was find solutions for waste plastic /waste tyre recycle.Therefore we decided to put up a pyrolysis processing plant, To install this we have land and we can provide all the permission from our government authorities,so we are looking for a person or any institute to support us with financially, for further information please contact Nimal Karunaratne .
I live in the Turks and caicos islands and I have taken a price of discarded destroy land and created a eco friendly tourism project from this property. I am trying to go green and solar but need assistance financially. We have tap out most if not all of our savings creating this project.
Hi. My wife & I are self building a highly airtight, insulated eco home with GSHP, MVHR, PV solar etc. Can anyone help to point us in the right direction to apply for grants to finish this great project? I’m sure its just the sort of project that the Government would be really proud to help bring to fruition and what people believe should be what government funding should be used for. Many thanks.
Hi. My husband, a civil engineer, and I, a chemical engineer, are self building a home, with eco-friendly, low-cost and recycled materials. Our project is a smart house, with use of rainwater, water filtration system, use of bamboo for non-energy air conditioning, use of construction materials made with recycled plastic and tires. We want share all the steps of the project on a youtube channel. Can anyone help to point us in the right direction to apply for grants to do this great project? Best regards
Hi, This is Sangita from Nepal. I’ve looking for funding support for the project that helps to encourage to save the environment and get closer to people with the environment. I ‘m planning to build an environment-friendly ( Eco-friendly) house for commercial purpose. Do you any suggestion or it would be nice if you can link me with some research institution or agency? Thanks and regards, Sangita
I asm looking at getting a grant to build a single new house. Are there any grants available for this? Thank you for any help and contacts I could try. Adam
We develop eco-friendly gravity based Siphon lift irrigation system with out use of the electricity in village Dhamani Taluka Patan Dist Satara Maharashtra India for the small and marginal land holders. Approximately 305 acer land is irrigated out of which 250 acer land by sprinkler irrigation system 55 acer by gravity flood irrigation system.Here we use the tophography of land project save electricity or disel . promoting sustainable agriculture development for the eradication of poverty by generating environmental sustainability such a agro-based environment friendly technology is green technology
I would like to know if its possible for me to be keto receive a fund from the UK government so thy I cn build the chepet woode small chalet type home for myself to use to live in and also have the outdoors to make garden statues and also do dog grooming in a rural setting as it’s proven the grooming dogs in a rural quiet setting helps the dogs immensely. So I’d be using the building to live and work in and once after I get established I can hopefully take on one or two staff. There is also an option of dog day care with long single runs or then to run around without the fear of fighting with other dogs as they would be separated by a fence. This is definitely worth while having lready worked in this sector and there bit being any if these places around. I’d also like to eventually serve uatomers with hydro therapy in a specialised pool but this would be after the turn over allows it. If really appreciate some help and advice Regards Gareth Dale
Good evening i am looking to get some information on new grants as i would like to start building homes out of natural materials, whilst using recycled materials and i will be incorporating renewable technologies into the projects as well. Waste and modern recycling procedures will be added to the properties to minimise waste and to free up the process down the line. Whilst doing all this i will be offering spacious, modern and healthy homes for families to thrive. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you. Charlie Cleaver
Hi We are building our own house we have put in triple glazing can we get a grant for this or for any of the insulation or the Air source heating
Hi I’m just getting quotes in for my self builder are doing this on a budget as we are a one income family and have a daughter with complex needs..Plumbers are telling us to go Air Source is there a up front grant now this with the new budget being announced today !? I know you can claim back over the next 6/7 years and get paid quarterly..
Hi im interested in building a small echo retreat or village in Cornwall, is this somthing I could get help with?
Hello, I’m an Architectural graduate looking to apply for my masters. I would love to go down the route of sustainable and green Architecture. Is there any advice on getting into this field? Or would this be something I could potentially get funded for? Kind Regards, Sara.
Good morning. We are currently looking to purchace some land to move onto and keep our horses. We will as much as possible be looking to be off grid definatly utilizing rainwater and grey water harvesting, solar/wind electricity with battery storage (I am an electrician by trade), septic tank construction and after the initial set-up growing our own produce etc. We would be looking at living in a static caravan and using shipping containers for storage and the structure of our stables. I have spent some time searching different grants to try and find somewhere that would fund purcacing equipment however they all seem to want you to use registered companies to install it which would a) be above our budget and b) go against what we are ultimately trying to achieve. Any help on this subject would be welcomed.
Hi there, I am in the middle of restoring my flat, it’s a very old building so I am doing everything from floorboards up literally. I am based in UK and I was wondering if are there some sort of grants or funding towards eco friendly material for the internal of the flat. Thank you Luca
Hi, My partner and I live off grid on a house boat built of reclaimed wood. We keep livestock, grow and hunt our own food and are aiming for a totally self sufficient lifestyle. We are currently setting up an aquaponics system for our veg fruit and plants, also built from reclaimed materials and are hoping to expand into a small business to cover our rent and living costs. We are looking for grant funding to help get us started. Is there anything out there for a project like this?
Could you please confirm if there are any Goverment Grant or funding options as we own a site with Full planning to build detached Passivhaus spec homes. Kind regards Craig
Hello, we are currently looking into building a sustainable development, there is a comment on here from Sara who is an architectural graduate, if anyone is in Berkshire or the surrounding areas who would like to get in touch I am on LinkedIn and currently work for Henley theatre services, we will need builders, an electrician who understands solar power, landscapers, financial advisers and anyone else who would like to see how they could get involved. Please get in touch
We are looking for advice and funding for a large eco building project. Is this something you could consult on?
Hi, I want to purchase as many acreage as possible and turning it into forest land how can you help me on this project Cheers
Hi my husband and me are building our own home to Passive standards using lots of installation. Can you please let me know if there are any government grants to help with our build thank you
We are building 2 family houses on the same plot. Can you please let me know if there any Government grants available?
Hello, Building 2 new homes of natural stone, with wall insulation, loft insulation, under floor heating and air sourced heating pump. Does anyone know where to go for a grant? Many thanks
Hi my husband and me are building a home to passive standards, we’re have a green roof, rain water harvesting and solar, because of all the insulation we are putting in our home shouldn’t need any central heating. Can anyone tell me if there are any grants to help with the cost. Thank you.